Republican Women Unveil Bill Package to Address Sexual Harassment
Nov. 15, 2023 / Embed
In response to recent cases of sexual harassment at the Capitol, I teamed up with four female House Republican colleagues to unveil a legislative package that would make significant reforms that protect taxpayers and victims. It’s time we demonstrate to the people of Pennsylvania that sexual harassment will not be tolerated.
Pursuing Covid Fraud
Jun. 22, 2022 / Embed
Today, the House passed a bill that would create a Special State Prosecutor under the jurisdiction of the Office of Inspector General. This individual would be tasked with rooting out and prosecuting individuals who used the COVID-19 pandemic to commit Unemployment Compensation fraud.
Pennsylvania Family Law Arbitration Act
Nov. 16, 2021 / Embed
The House approved House Bill 1366 to create a statutory structure for the arbitration of family law disputes in Pennsylvania.
House Judiciary Subcommittee on Family Law Public Hearing
Nov. 15, 2021 / Embed
Public hearing on SB 78.
Transparency Update to the Disease Prevention and Control Act of 1955
Oct. 04, 2021 / Embed
Rep. Kate Klunk discusses the merits of House Bill 1893 on the House floor.
Pennsylvania March For Life
Sep. 27, 2021 / Embed
As co-chair of the PA House pro-life caucus, I was thrilled to see so many pro-life Pennsylvanians rally at the state Capitol for the rights of the unborn.
Utz’s 100th Birthday Press Conference
Jun. 24, 2021 / Embed
To mark the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Hanover-based Utz Brands, Rep. Kate Klunk (R-Hanover) with fellow members of both the House and Senate, hosts a celebratory press conference. For 100 years, Utz has produced some of the most well-known snacks, ranging from potato chips to cheeseballs and everything in between, while being a good neighbor in the Hanover area and strengthening our regional economy.
Klunk Recognition of UTZ's 100th Birthday Remarks
Jun. 24, 2021 / Embed
To mark the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Hanover-based Utz Brands, Rep. Kate Klunk (R-Hanover) honors the UTZ Corporation for their 100 years of hometown service in Hanover, Pa.
Doing More To Stop Elder Abuse
Jun. 15, 2021 / Embed
Representative Kate Klunk stands in support of a package of bills that seeks to offer older Pennsylvanians and their families peace of mind when it comes to protection, on Elder Abuse Awareness Day.
Elder Abuse Press Conference
Jun. 15, 2021 / Embed
Chairman of the PA House Aging and Older Adults Committee Rep. Gary Day leads a press conference to promote measures that will help enhance the life of older adults.