York County House Republicans Respond to Shapiro Spending Plan

Mar. 07, 2023 /

HARRISBURG – The York County Republican delegation to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, comprised of House Appropriations Chairman Seth Grove (R-Dover) and Reps. Kate Klunk (R-Hanover), Dawn Keefer (R-Dillsburg), Mike Jones (R-York Township), Joe D’Orsie (R-Manchester) and Wendy Fink (R-Red Lion), issued the following statement in response to Gov. Josh Shapiro’s proposed spending plan:

York County Delegation Receives High Marks from Americans for Prosperity

Mar. 06, 2023 /

York County Delegation Receives High Marks from Americans for Prosperity

HARRISBURG – The Pennsylvania Chapter of Americans for Prosperity (AFP) announced its scorecard for the 2021-2022 Legislative Session in Harrisburg this week. AFP is a grassroots organization dedicated to exposing government spending, debt issues, crony capitalism, and supporting pro-growth, pro-freedom policies in Pennsylvania and our nation.

We Must Act Now to Prevent Sexual Abuse, Misconduct in the House

Feb. 24, 2023 /

HARRISBURG— As she continues to express frustration that the House Democrats’ special session rules did not provide for an Ethics Committee, Rep. Kate Klunk (R-Hanover) has filed a resolution to add one to the operating rules for special session.

Grove, Klunk and D’Orsie Announce Funding for Conservation Projects

Jan. 12, 2023 /

HARRISBURG – Three conservation projects in York County will receive nearly $1.2 million in funding through the Growing Greener Plus Program, House Appropriations Chairman Seth Grove (R-Dover), Rep. Kate Klunk (R-Hanover) and Rep. Joe D’Orsie (R-Manchester) announced.

Klunk To Take Oath of Office Jan. 3

Dec. 29, 2022 /

WHAT: Rep. Kate Klunk (R-Hanover) will be sworn into office to serve as the state representative of the 169th Legislative District.

York County Lawmakers Announce Funding for New Police HQ

Nov. 21, 2022 /

HARRISBURG – Northern York County Regional Police received funding for a new facility through a state grant program, House State Government Chairman Seth Grove (R-Dover), House Game and Fisheries Committee Chairman Keith Gillespie (R-Hellam), Rep. Kate Klunk (R-Hanover) and Sens. Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-York) and Mike Regan (R-York/Cumberland) announced.

York House GOP Delegation Votes to Impeach Philadelphia DA

Nov. 16, 2022 /

HARRISBURG- The York County Republican delegation to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives voted today to impeach District Attorney Larry Krasner, citing his role in Philadelphia’s skyrocketing crime rates as cause for action.

Klunk Bill to Protect Children and Youth Agencies Signed by Governor

Nov. 03, 2022 /

HANOVER—Legislation authored by Rep. Kate Klunk (R-Hanover) that would protect private children and youth social service agencies and residential treatment providers by voiding certain indemnification clauses in professional liability policies was signed into law today.

Klunk Bill to Protect Children and Youth Agencies Passes State Senate

Oct. 26, 2022 /

HARRISBURG – The Senate on Wednesday passed a bill authored by Rep. Kate Klunk (R-Hanover) to protect private children and youth social service agencies and residential treatment providers. The legislation would accomplish this by voiding certain indemnification clauses when these agencies renew their professional liability policies.

York House GOP Delegation Supports Impeachment of Krasner

Oct. 26, 2022 /

HARRISBURG – The York County Republican delegation to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives announced today they are strongly supporting the Articles of Impeachment filed today against Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner for failing to uphold his oath of office and wanton disregard for public safety.